Exciting New Project with BrainWaveBank Ltd.

June 2020 We are pleased to announce that the Translational Brain Health Lab have been awarded EMBARK grant funding (Enterprise Ireland) to team up with BrainWaveBank Ltd for an exciting new project. We will be taking the first steps towards testing how a wireless...

Dymphna’s Blessings

Will the planes ever take off again? By Colin   What kind of world will emerge after the virus? What will change, what will remain, what will never be the same again? Will planes fly with the same frequency and ease? Could a commemorative home office week be...

Moving Minds

By Colin Simon, PhD student. Since our last entry we applied for ethical approval of one or our studies, named Moving Minds. There is nothing dangerous or unethical about Moving Minds, ethical approval has become a standard procedure for any studies involving...

Seeking Dymphna’s Blessings 

Even though Christmas is over, the festive spirit was kept alive in the Translational Brain Health lab. Dan Phillips from Brainbox, previously Rogue Resolutions, paid the team a visit on the 6  of January, and not unlike the wise men of old, he came bearing three...