Colin wins Season 1 of the TBH lab bake-off

December 2020. Colin Simon, PhD student, wins the first season of the TBH-lab bake off. For the first season members of the TBH-lab team baked delicious cookies, cakes and pies to be judged. The second season, with the theme “bread”, will resume when work...

Exciting New Project with BrainWaveBank Ltd.

June 2020 We are pleased to announce that the Translational Brain Health Lab have been awarded EMBARK grant funding (Enterprise Ireland) to team up with BrainWaveBank Ltd for an exciting new project. We will be taking the first steps towards testing how a wireless...

Dymphna’s Blessings

Will the planes ever take off again? By Colin   What kind of world will emerge after the virus? What will change, what will remain, what will never be the same again? Will planes fly with the same frequency and ease? Could a commemorative home office week be...